

Intelligent solution

Intelligent tire one-stop management solution

We specialize in the development of core technologies for intelligent tires and the application scenarios of empowerment, aiming to provide global partners with intelligent tire technology and solutions.

Tire management program

  • Product intelligence

    Using MEMS sensor and intelligent algorithm fusion technology, the traditional tire from passive to active leap. Let the tires run like this Real-time state acquisition monitoring.

  • Security visualization

    Get rid of the traditional experience mode of seeing, kicking, etc., through the whole monitoring of operating conditions and calculation of tire life, real-time display of tire working conditions and remaining safety life to ensure driving safety. Further, through the deep mining of a large number of tire use data, it can effectively guide the direction of tire new product development.

  • Data networking

    Through the data exchange with the vehicle networking system and urban traffic management system, the intelligent tire system realizes the application integration of intelligent tire and vehicle networking, and provides comprehensive and true safety data for users, vehicle managers and road managers. Escort for safe travel!

  • Asset lightweight

    The intelligent network tire system enables tire manufacturers/service providers to monitor and manage the entire product life cycle. It is beneficial to reduce the personnel management cost of traditional tires and improve the maintenance efficiency. Timely early warning of potential tire failures and risks, reduce tire replacement waiting time and parking time caused by tire failures, and improve logistics transportation efficiency.

Smart tire solutions

  • solution
  • product architecture
  • product introduction

Smart tire solutions

  • Tire condition intelligent monitoring
  • Use data intelligence analytics
  • Automatic management of analysis reports

Smart tire product architecture

  • Intelligent tire Management Cloud
  • Smart tire sensor
  • Intelligent vehicle terminal

Smart tire product introduction

  • Smart tire product picture
  • Mobile terminal management system
  • Web management system

Smart tire solution

Intelligent tire core technology development and application scenarios

The company's main business focuses on the development and application of intelligent tire technology. We independently research and develop technology for automatic perception of tire load, wear, and road conditions. This technology enables timely provision of tire safety status to vehicle drivers, ensuring driving safety.

Smart tire solutions

  • Real-time tire pressure monitoring

    Abnormal tire pressure alarm
    Rapid leak risk monitoring

  • Real-time tire temperature monitoring

    High and low temperature abnormal real-time alarm

  • Tire cold pressure monitoring

    Slow leakage risk warning

  • Real-time tire speed monitoring

    Vehicle speeding alarm
    Life cycle vehicle speed statistical analysis

  • Real-time tire load monitoring

    Vehicle real-time load monitoring
    Vehicle overload/partial load alarm

  • Tire pattern depth monitoring

    Recommended tire transposition when appropriate
    Recommend timely tire replacement

  • Four-wheel positioning anomaly monitoring

    Tire risk warning

  • Battery remaining power monitoring

  • Total life cycle mileage statistics

    Different vehicle/wheel position mileage statistics
    Different road mileage statistics
    Mileage statistics of different load conditions
    Different driving speed mileage statistics

Management system features

Intelligent tire management system

  • 1

    GPS positioning

    Vehicle/tire track management

  • 2

    Personnel rights management

    Fleet manager/Vehicle driver/Tire service provider
    Different roles have different management rights
    Put an end to chaotic management and unclear responsibilities and powers
    No data compilation/tampering
    Make sure the raw data is truly represented
    Timeliness supervision of tire fault handling

  • 3

    Statistical management of tire assets

    Tire import and export management
    Online tire residual value management
    Faulty tire management
    Scrap tire management
    Tire maintenance management
    Tire loss/theft management

  • 4

    Statistical report management analysis

    Tire brand/specification management
    Statistical analysis of single kilometer tire cost
    Statistical analysis of tire failure types
    Statistical analysis of tire abnormal data
    Statistical analysis of tire driving conditions
    Statistical analysis of tire operation data

  • 5

    Statistical report management analysis

    Vehicle daily driving road condition analysis
    Analysis of vehicle acceleration and deceleration characteristics
    Analysis of vehicle steering characteristics
    Statistical analysis of tire driving conditions
    Statistical analysis of tire operation data

  • 6

    Manage operation history

    Historical data such as tire installation / removal / transposition / replacement / repair / maintenance are recorded in detail
    Statistical analysis of tire operation data

Intelligent tire management system

item Intelligent tire management system Traditional TPMS

Pressure monitoring
Temperature monitoring
Mileage monitoring ×
Cold pressure monitoring ×
Tire asset management ×
Tire positioning management ×
Automatic analysis report ×
Mobile terminal management ×
Web side management ×
Intelligent load monitoring ×
Intelligent monitoring of pattern wear ×
Vehicle driving behavior analysis ×